On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Damian Wadley <p...@requinix.net> wrote:

> How about having the ellipsis _after_ the variable? That then coincides
> with phpDocumentor's recommended syntax of "$c,..."

That syntax has it neither before nor after, because there is no parameter

and it keeps any typehint or & with the variable name ("array &$arr..."
> versus "array &...$arr") and, honestly, I think that reads more easily.

Please see the https://wiki.php.net/rfc/variadics#choice_of_syntax section
of the RFC. Quoting: "With ref-modifier (&$args...) this does not show well
that the individual arguments are references, rather than $args itself.
With typehint (array $args...) it also looks like the typehint applies to
$args itself rather than all variadic arguments."


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