On 27 September 2013 12:54, Leigh <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 27 September 2013 11:39, Peter Lind <peter.e.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 27 September 2013 12:12, Leigh <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> So on a successful session hijack (correct SID, new IP) the attacker
> >> gets a new SID and keeps the valid session while the legitimate user
> >> gets kicked out.
> >>
> >> Not seeing how that improves things at all.
> >
> > In your scenario, user gets booted and thus knows somethings wrong. Much
> > better than the attacker hijacking the session without the user knowing
> > anything at all.
> >
> > Regards
> > Peter
> And what is done to invalidate the session now gained by the attacker?
> Since this is a proposal to handle such things internally.
And what is done when the user thinks everything is fine and dandy? My
point was that the scenario you created did not pose a problem - if
anything it would be a benefit (as you actually *can* detect some problems

Do you really think random user X will think something is wrong beyond
> the site they were using just kicking them out for no reason? So now
> what do they do now? Log in again? The attacker still has the
> previously valid session, so nothing is gained.
That's for the userland code to decide.

> This is exactly why this kind of logic belongs as user code. We're
> starting to define rules for a system that should be agnostic to how
> it is being used.

I would agree. I was just pointing out that your example was not in fact
much of an argument against the proposal.


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