On 08/16/2014 12:52 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 12:49 AM, David Soria Parra <d...@php.net> wrote:
On 2014-08-15, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
Let me summerize a few things that have come up:

  (1) phpng doesn't justify PHP7
  It does. It's a complete new engine. It has performance improvements. Where
  do you draw the line of what justifies a PHP 7? It's a major BC break and we
  needd a major version for it

No it does not. Even if it would do, that's not something I can live
with in the next 10 years. As I repeatedly said, with explanations

Just a heretical question from someone who has no clue about PHP core:

What speaks against having PHP 8 one or two years after PHP 7?

I like the idea of

- having PHP 5.7 introducing deprecation warnings without additional features (and perhaps some cleanings regarding the spec?)

- full concentration on PHP 7 regarding phpng (including AST & co) and cleanings according to the spec.

- PHP 8 with other improvements that are currently planed for PHP 7. (Perhaps it's even possible to introduce most deprecation warnings of planned changes for 8 in 7 and 5.7.)

Regarding adoption: Agile teams/projects are able to follow the path from 5.6 to 5.7 (if needed) up to 7 and 8. Slow teams/projects can migrate from 5.6 to 5.7 "easily" and later to 8. Adoption to PHP 7 would not be a KPI of the PHP project.

Regarding branch maintenance: Support for 5.7 could be extended and for 7 could be shortened if announced early enough (latest at GA of 7.0).

Regarding PHP project's project management: That would be release early, release often. Of course, extensions need to be changed twice for PHP 7 and 8 - but the amount of changes should be almost the same.

A side note regarding the spec: I would not waste time to write/discuss a formal spec that describes all oddities of 5.6/7 or force 5.6/7 to follow a spec too much. The perspective of the spec is PHP 7 that is the first version where compliance to the spec is needed. (Probably Facebook has other plans. But I think one year to get it right on both sides - the spec and the implementation - is totally ok.)



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