On 07/09/14 14:25, Andrea Faulds wrote:
> On 7 Sep 2014, at 13:22, Sherif Ramadan <theanomaly...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I've played around with this branch for a bit and seems reasonable,
>> passes the tests, and doesn't seem to have any serious
>> issues/memories leaks AFAICT.
> There’s actually a quite serious issue just now, which is that it
> evaluates the first operand twice if it’s not empty. This is because
> $a ?: $b is expanded to empty($a) ? $b : $a, such that if you did
> something which mutates state in there, it’d happen twice. This is
> obviously not good, and I’m going to figure out how to fix this.

This could very well be the reason why it is like it is today.


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