On 8 September 2014 07:56, Christoph Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 08.09.2014 15:58, schrieb Andrea Faulds:
>> We could add such an operator, perhaps with the ?? syntax. However, I
>> don’t really like the idea. It’s too similar to ?: so I don’t think
>> it’d be accepted, and even if it was, I’m not sure we really need
>> another operator. I’d much rather just make ?: do what, IMO, is the
>> right thing and what it always should have done.
> I'd rather had a shortcut for the following:
>   isset($_GET['foo']) ? $_GET['foo'] : BAR

Agreed. That's what ifsetor requests have generally boiled down to
over the years, so it seems to be what the masses want.

It's what _I_ want, anyway. :)

> Of course, it is not possible to change the ?: operator to work this way
> for BC reasons, but a new operator such as ?? might make sense.

+1 on ?? — there's precedent for it, and it means we don't have to
explain why the shorthand form of an operator behaves differently to
the long form, which is just going to confuse users.


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