On 14/09/2014 20:01, Pierre Joye wrote:
One side wants to be consistent with inconsistencies (and tbh quite confusing) while the other side wants to allow userland implemented APIs to actually be consistent.

I'm not sure that's quite fair. The only thing that would be consistent with existing userland functionality is strict typing, fatal error on incorrect type (since that's what class "hints" do; they're more like assertions than anything else); I'm pretty sure nobody is arguing for that.

There's also definitely more than two "sides" here - there are lots of people, with lots of different opinions. I'm guessing what *you* want is for it to be consistent with existing userland casts? i.e. function foo(int $bar) { /* ... */ } is just syntactic sugar for function foo($bar) { $bar = (int)$bar; /* ... */ }

Perhaps it would be better to discuss how *useful* that would be as a feature, rather than just how consistent it is or isn't with other parts of the language.

Rowan Collins

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