On 9/29/2014 8:06 PM, guilhermebla...@gmail.com wrote:

Here is a new RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/sync

Thoughts appreciated.


As the original author of this extension, I only have a few caveats to point out:

1) It has a dependency on POSIX semaphores on non-Windows platforms. From what I understand, not all platforms have support for POSIX semaphores. I feel that if this is going to be moved to core that someone with a deeper familiarity of POSIX support across OSes take a look at what platforms won't be supported and whether or not anyone actually cares about the unsupported environments. Every modern distro I've tried has support.

2) Another consideration is the use of the code in common shared hosting environments. If two objects share the same name but are used differently in two different applications on the same machine, it will result in undefined behavior. The object won't crash but it won't necessarily behave the way it is intended to behave. This is true of any synchronization object, but is something to be aware of as a possible issue since the code does expose OS level synchronization objects to web applications. Much of this issue is minimized by making the different types of objects (Mutex, Semaphore, etc.) have unique prefixes but it doesn't mean there can't/won't be any conflicts.

3) Creating a POSIX named object as 'root' and then attempting to open it as another user fails with an obscure permission denied error. This can happen if the object is initially created by a cron job that's run as root and then a web application attempts to open the same object later on. The userland functions posix_setuid()/posix_seteuid() and/or posix_setgid() can be used to counter the effect. (Whether or not PHP based cron jobs should run as the root user is a different discussion.)

4) The naming scheme of the various named objects should be examined to make sure they conform to any existing naming conventions. For example, the name "hello" becomes "/Sync_Mutex_hello_0" in a POSIX named mutex object while the name is left as "hello" in a Windows named mutex object.

Just a few thoughts.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

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