On 16 October 2014 18:39:57 GMT+01:00, Olivier Bonvalet 
<php-dev.l...@daevel.net> wrote:
>Le jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à 18:10 +0200, Ferenc Kovacs a écrit :
>> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf <ras...@lerdorf.com>
>> > On 10/16/2014 04:27 AM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
>> > > On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Anthony Ferrara
>> > > wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> Hello all,
>> > >>
>> > >> I raised this topic on list over a year ago (
>> > >> http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=130417646507744&w=2 ). It
>> > >> determined that it wasn't time yet to disable prepared statement
>> > >> emulation for MySQL yet. However, Rasmus did mention that it was
>> > >> possibility for 5.4 (
>> > >> http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=130418875017027&w=2 ). Since
>> > >> ship has sailed, I submitted a pull request for trunk to change
>> > >> default value of prepared statement emulation for MySQL.
>> > >>
>> > >> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/108
>> > >>
>> > >> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54638
>> > >>
>> > >> Does this need to be an RFC (should I draft one)? Or can it just
>> > >> pulled as-is?
>> > >>
>> > >> Thanks,
>> > >>
>> > >> Anthony
>> > >>
>> > >> --
>> > >> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
>> > >> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > > hi,
>> > >
>> > > do we want to change the default for this in PHP7?
>> >
>> > Honestly, I am not sure about this anymore. There is a significant
>> > performance benefit in doing client-side prepares. Last year I
>> > to switch to server-side prepares on Etsy's production servers but
>> > added 30-40ms of page latency because of the extra round trips. And
>> > we were doing too many queries, but I fear if we change this
>> > people won't understand where this slowdown is coming from.
>> >
>> > Of course, in some rare cases using server-side prepares might
>> > things up because of prepared statement caching in the server, but
>> > have yet to see a case where that caching outweighs the extra tcp
>> > roundtrip overhead.
>> >
>> > I do agree that the default should probably be server-side since it
>> > the least surprising. We just need to make it very very clear in
>> > upgrade doc that this change will likely slow down peoples' apps
>> > show them how to turn client-side prepares back on.
>> >
>> > -Rasmus
>> >
>> I don't think we should remove the option, just change the defaults,
>> most people would be fine switching back to the emulation, but it
>should be
>> their conscious decision imo.
>> Currently many people aren't aware that they are using client side
>> prepares, and they are pretty much ignore the fact, that they can be
>> exposed to sql injections (for example via using mismatching client
>> server encodings or not properly quoting the identifiers:
>> http://www.codeyellow.nl/identifier-sqli.html because they think that
>> server side prepared statements would be immune to this kind of
>> I think it would be better to change the default in a major version,
>if the
>> tradeoff is performance vs security, and if they think that they are
>> with the emulation, they can change it back.
>> ps:
>> don't forget that some/many of our users are still using php on a
>> server setup, where the mysql connection is done through a unix
>> instead of the network stack, so the roundtrip there will be even
>> noticable, and usually those are the kind of users, who need safe
>> because they can't afford to be aware or change settings/code for
>> apps.
>for me there is two usage of prepared statements : 
>#1 : safely handle variables
>#2 : performance in batch traitments
>The first one want emulated prepared statments and the second need true

Surely this is the other way around? Emulation has imperfect security, because 
it is basically a smarter version of "magic quotes", e.g. the character 
encoding mismatch already mentioned. It's only advantage over real prepares is 
performance, if network latency is a significant factor.

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