On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Chris Wright <c...@daverandom.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry, but I don't understand why it would need to be deprecated. For
> me "making it the default behaviour" would mean "changing the default value
> of the $flags argument to JSON_PRESERVE_FACTIONAL_PART". The flag would
> still function in exactly the same way - old code which pass flags
> explicitly would continue to work in the same way, and any code which did
> not want the new behaviour would only have to pass 0 to flags to get that
> behaviour back.

Then passing any flag will automatically disable it unless all current
constants will be ORed with that value.

It means if you set default as (options = JSON_PRESERVE_FACTIONAL_PART in
zif_json_encode) and you pass just PHP_JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE then
fractional part will be disabled (unless the constants are ORed). It's not
really default like other defaults in json_encode because it's changed by
any flag.

That being said if it's just me who doesn't like it and there are no other
objection, I don't mind if it gets in. Let's just wait few days if there
isn't anyone who also thinks that adding such feature to micro release is
not the best idea...



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