On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Julien Pauli <jpa...@php.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Florian Margaine <flor...@margaine.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I think having a minor PHP version for the only sake of adding
> > is kind of pointless to be honest. Historically, PHP (or other languages
> > for the matter, I'm thinking of python) minor versions have brought new
> > features. Adding notices is not a reason for a new version imho.
> >
> > If what we want are notices, and helping people to migrate to PHP 7, then
> > we can create tools for this. For example, python made a tool to help
> with
> > the transition of python 2 to python 3. Go did the same for 0.x to 1.0,
> if
> > my memory serves right. The point of new versions is to include new
> > features or bug fixes for the language, static analysis can be done with
> > external tools.
> >
> > The fact that we'll have to maintain one more version is also not
> something
> > to be taken lightly, especially when I see examples of how things
> progress
> > in php-src. (I'm thinking about the recent contributor who gave up.)
> >
> > Now, if the reason people want PHP 5.7 is to extend PHP 5 lifetime, then
> > it's another matter, and the lifetime of existing versions could be
> > extended.
> >
> > Just my $0.02.
> >
> >
> That's a perfectly valid POV I share.
> So I sum-up and introduce the dilema :
> - We should push people to PHP7 , whatever the way

I don't think we can really "push" people to migrate, instead of that we
can make the migration as painless and possible, and hope that distros and
app/lib developers will pull the ecosystem with them (for example an
initiative like gophp5 would not have happened if we were trying to
organize and push that or devs did not thought that php5 is superior to
php4, same thing here).

> - We cannot patch 5.6 to add any Warnings-of-any-kind (stable release,
> under release process that forbids that)

even thought that Pierre stated this in a previous mail, but AFAIK there is
no such rule(https://wiki.php.net/rfc/releaseprocess) and we have a couple
of precedences, but I do agree that it would be a bad idea to add a bunch
of new errors in a micro version, as there are people out there who run
code in production with enabled display_errors and have E_DEPRECATED in

> - Rolling out a 5.7 with *just* Warnings-of-any-kind is silly, see the
> topic I just replied to which is valid to me

I think that some people in this thread would still vote yes for such a
version, but I think that small additions like the last couple of function
addition in 5.6.x would be ok.

> - Rolling out a 5.7 with Warnings-of-any-kind + some little-or-not new
> features cancels point number one

I wouldn't say it cancels it, I mean I agree that not having any new
feature (even the smallest one) in 5.x will have a positive effect on the
number of people upgrading, but I don't think that php7 will fail because
we added gmp_random_range() in 5.6.3.

> What else ?

I think that the core difference between the people on the two sides are
how they view the gains from the easier upgrading between 5.7->7.0 versus
the cost of release/maintenance of another minor and how would that affect
the effort put into 7.0.
I think that the pros are outweighing the cons, but that's just me. I don't
know how could we quantify the first one(gains from easier upgrading), but
we can try to do that for the second(future cost of maintenance) and then
hold a vote to see what others think.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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