
> As I said in the original discussion: this RFC is actually about having
> an implicit call to __hash() whenever an object is used as an array key.
> You can achieve exactly the same in userland with an explicit call.

It's like nobody have ever seen __toString before... Of course you can
do that 10-line boilerplate that Rowan outlined. The whole point of this
RFC is so you don't have to do the boilerplate.

> I would rather wait (maybe indefinitely) to have a proper implementation
> of objects as keys than have this compromise.

I have hard time to understand this - it's like somebody offering to
give you $100, with no conditions, and you say "no, I'd rather wait for
somebody giving me a billion dollars, until then I won't take the $100".
Having object as keys does not contradict this RFC in any way - though
the probability of it happening in PHP 7 is pretty much nil so you'd
have to wait at least several years, but most probably - forever. So you
pretty much choosing to have nothing over having something with no
upside at all. Why?
Stas Malyshev

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