> The problem is that the current proposed hints/casts are deviating from the
> type-hints that we are used to

I don't think type hints we currently have are different. The only difference 
we have is that there is no automatic casting for objects/arrays to scalars and 
scalars to objects/arrays (I exclude __toString() and $a=[]; echo $a;).


Marco Pivetta wrote on 01.01.2015 17:56:

> On 1 January 2015 at 17:44, Thomas Bley <ma...@thomasbley.de> wrote:
>> I think it is no problem to add strict parameter type hints with another
>> rfc (if this rfc gets accepted), e.g. function foobar(string! $str, int!
>> $str){} or any other syntax.
> The problem is that the current proposed hints/casts are deviating from the
> type-hints that we are used to, therefore this particular feature should
> (eventually) have an alternate syntax, whereas the strict hints would just
> use `int`, `integer`, `string`, `float`, `bool`, `boolan` without
> additional chars (assuming that we will get strict hints somewhen).
> This will also reduce clashes with the current HHVM implementation.
> Marco Pivetta
> http://twitter.com/Ocramius
> http://ocramius.github.com/

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