On Jan 27, 2015 4:43 PM, "Sebastian Bergmann" <sebast...@php.net> wrote:
> Am 27.01.2015 um 10:00 schrieb Lester Caine:
> > composer has not even managed to get added to some distributions yet
>  This is not about PEAR Installer vs. Composer or something else. This
>  is about the PHP core getting untangled from third-party software that
>  impedes the development of PHP itself.
>  As a sidenote, to most (if not all) PHP developers that I have met
>  since PHP 5 came out there is nothing of value in PEAR (as in the
>  packages hosted on pear.php.net). These packages became obsolete the
>  moment the PEAR Installer supported channels other than pear.php.net.
>  Now that most (if not all) commonly used libraries, components,
>  frameworks, tools, etc. no longer (exclusively) offer their releases
>  as PEAR packages, the PEAR Installer has become irrelevant. It should
>  no longer be bundled with PHP (neither should any other package
>  manager). PEAR has served its purpose, it provided value for the PHP
>  ecosystem for a time, but now it should be retired.


It is good and all that to throw great principles into such discussions
into this thread.

However there is one thing we do need to care, and this is 3rd party
extensions. This is all I care about and why I initiated pickle.

The other parts of what I would like to tackle is the way we do them. Let
face it, right it is a mess. Php7, if we don't discuss the actual issue
will be even worst.

The current trend to create branches for 7 is a bad idea. It is a
maintenance and release nightmare. Nothing is ready to deal with that. It
is also a real pain from a semantic version point of view.

We have been asked to discuss this issue many times and it is the only
point for pickle to reach beta phase.

I would rather start to see how we can help 3rd extensions (and solve the
sapi ones too) developer by providing solutions, standard and tools instead
of talking about a de facto dead cow.


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