"Sebastian Bergmann"  wrote in message news:54c75d9e.8090...@php.net...

Am 27.01.2015 um 10:00 schrieb Lester Caine:
composer has not even managed to get added to some distributions yet

This is not about PEAR Installer vs. Composer or something else. This
is about the PHP core getting untangled from third-party software that
impedes the development of PHP itself.

As a sidenote, to most (if not all) PHP developers that I have met
since PHP 5 came out there is nothing of value in PEAR (as in the
packages hosted on pear.php.net).

How about those applications which still user the MAIL functions in PEAR? How about some of the 3rd party applications, such as SVNManager which still require some PEAR functions?

Saying that PEAR is obsolete just because you and your friends don't use it is not much of an argument.

These packages became obsolete the
moment the PEAR Installer supported channels other than pear.php.net.

If there are applications out there which still depend on PEAR packages then PEAR is *NOT* obsolete.

Now that most (if not all) commonly used libraries, components,
frameworks, tools, etc. no longer (exclusively) offer their releases
as PEAR packages, the PEAR Installer has become irrelevant. It should
no longer be bundled with PHP (neither should any other package
manager). PEAR has served its purpose, it provided value for the PHP
ecosystem for a time, but now it should be retired.

And replaced with what?

Tony Marston

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