Hi Dmitry and Sebastian,

> On 4 Feb 2015, at 05:49, Sebastian Bergmann <sebast...@php.net> wrote:
> Am 04.02.2015 um 06:44 schrieb Dmitry Stogov:
>> What do you think about using only lowercase type names for scalar type
>> hints? In this case we won't have to introduce any limitations.
> This would be inconsistent with the rest of PHP being case-insensitive
> and only lead to confusion.

This is how I feel. Array and Callable work, yet if Integer and String didn’t 
it’d be inconsistent.

Also, we’d *still* have a BC issue, because who says that people with String 
classes didn’t use a lowercase type hint?

I think the BC cost, while unfortunate, is unavoidable. Luckily, code can be 
changed in such a way that it’ll keep working fine on PHP 5 and only break on 
PHP 7, by using class_alias().

Andrea Faulds

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