Hi Pascal,

> On 5 Feb 2015, at 00:02, Pascal Chevrel <pascal.chev...@free.fr> wrote:
> I am probably going to ask a stupid question, but do we really need the =1 
> part in declare?
> declare(strict_types=1) couldn't be declare(strict_types)?
> Or does it mean that there would be cases when strict typing would be 
> deactivated after being activated with declare(strict_types=0)?

Oh, I made it like that because that’s the existing syntax of declare(), it 
takes a name and a value. But I suppose it could be modified to allow just a 
name. I don’t think we should modify it just for this specific case, really… 
less exceptions to a rule and more consistency are generally a good thing.

There is a use for declare(strict_types=0), which is to make part of a file 
weak while having the rest strict. It’s not something you’d want to do very 
often, but it may be useful in some rare cases. If we have 
declare(strict_types=1), then it makes sense to also have 
declare(strict_types=0). It’d be rather odd to not allow it.

> To be honest, I don't like declare() because it looks like a function call, 
> not a setting for the file like a namespace declaration would be. Also, in 
> the case of declare(ticks=1), 1 is not a boolean but an interval so I find it 
> a bit confusing that strict_types=1 would be a boolean in that case. Or maybe 
> declare(strict_types=true) then?

I originally had it be a boolean, but considering how often this would be used, 
I changed it to 1 for terseness. Using 1 is common for INI settings, so I don’t 
think it’d be that confusing, but I see your point.

> Personnally I would prefer a syntax like:
> declare strict;
> which is just shorter and more readable in my opinion. I know it is mostly 
> cosmetic but I don't really understand why declare uses parenthesis if it is 
> a language construct and not a function (and yes, I think that 
> declare(ticks=1) also looks silly ;) );
> So basically instead of that at the top of my files:
> <?php
> namespace Foo;
> use Bar;
> declare(strict_types=1);
> I would prefer having that:
> <?php
> namespace Foo;
> use Bar;
> declare strict;
> It's probably a detail in the whole discussion, but for some weird 
> psychological reason, it matters to me :),

I can see the appeal, though I’m not really sure about adding new syntax just 
for this.

By the way, I think declare() would be easily distinguished from a function for 
two reasons. Firstly, you can’t assign to constants, and secondly, it’ll be 
syntax-highlights differently.

I can understand your concerns, though. :)

Thanks for voicing them.
Andrea Faulds

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