On 2 February 2015 17:09:30 GMT, Alain Williams <a...@phcomp.co.uk> wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 02, 2015 at 05:00:08PM +0000, Andrea Faulds wrote:
>> Hi Andrey,
>> ...
>Just to give thanks to Andrea on persisting with a highly contentious
>RFC, one
>that has defeated several others over the years. I hope that we will
>end up with
>something acceptable to most and will be able to finally put this issue
>to bed.


I was describing this discussion to someone and said something about the 
compromise not giving everyone what they want, and he said "isn't that 
basically the definition of a compromise?"

This particular compromise is very well thought through on the whole, and I 
hope it at least leads the way out of the impasse of contrasting ideas by 
exploring ways to combine them.

Thanks Andrea!
Rowan Collins

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