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On 07/02/15 02:34, Dan Ackroyd wrote:
> Lester,
> If you are having issues with Imagick please report them here:
> https://github.com/mkoppanen/imagick
> Not only is that the right place to report issues with unreleased
> versions of Imagick, but also I tend to monitor issues there more
> closely than I do a mailing list.

imagick is just one of the packages I am looking at. The whole point of
this post was to get some help getting up to speed actually working with
the php-src code base. None of my notes from PHP4->5 days make any sense
as many of the methods used don't seem to match now ... such as
processing strings!

>> This one of the few places I can find smart_string_appends used, and I
>> can't work out just where it's code is?
> lxr is your friend:
> http://lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/ext/standard/php_smart_string.h#79

Yep - got that - but converting it to English has me going around in
circles. *IS* the whole process covered in that file ... some comments
would be helpful.

>> why is there a problem doing something simple which works on the 5.x
>> builds.
> Apparently software can have bugs. Who knew! Seriously though, there
> was a bug displaying the phpinfo page caused by the migration to the
> 7, but it's fixed now. If you're still having issues, please open an
> issue in the link above.

Come on - did you really post that?
I am TRYING to spend some time being able to FIX the bugs since that
seems to be the requirement these days. I have not yet seen a fix for
imagick, but I think that may be down to the fact that we have several
forks of the code rather than it being part of php-src. THAT is just
another minefield for those of us who are trying to play catchup.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

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