2015-02-09 1:48 GMT+02:00 Rowan Collins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>:
> On 08/02/2015 22:48, S.A.N wrote:
>> Hi internals.
>> I really hope that in the future PHP 7, there will be new server API.
>> May be you interested to know about them, here is the link, I am not
>> the author of development:
>> https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi-phpsgi/
>> But the problem is that in PHP there are no standards for such interfaces.
>> Now it is implemented like this:
>> <?php
>> function application($env)
>> {
>>   return ['200 OK', ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'Hello, world!'];
>> }
>> ?>
>> I think this is a good opportunity to review the old interface ($_GET,
>> $_POST, ...) and start using the API internal HTTP module.
>> This all breaks backward compatibility, not $_GET, $_POST, ...
>> But this WSGI SAPI will used only new PHP code (not PHP legacy base).
>> This is a good opportunity to create something new and not be backward
>> compatible.
>> What do you think about this?
> The problem with creating an event-based API for PHP is that you don't just
> have to rethink superglobals, you have to rethink absolutely everything that
> currently acts as global state:
> - global variables
> - static variables within functions
> - class static variables
> - dynamic settings (ini_set etc)
> - globally registered callbacks (set_error_handler, spl_autoload_register,
> etc)
> - the counters of include_once() and require_once()
> - any function which implicitly fetches data based on some previous action
> (e.g. libxml_get_errors)
> If the language is not itself multi-threaded, all of these become
> arbitrarily shared once per thread the server spins up and reuses. If it
> *is* multi-threaded, you have another set of headaches about how both the
> engine and the userland can share and synchronize.
> Not that I don't like the idea, but it's a huge project, with potential for
> profoundly affecting the language.
> Regards,
> --
> Rowan Collins
> [IMSoP]
> --
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You're right, but there is no threading issues.
One worker synchronously execute requests, but may run parallel many workers.

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