S.A.N wrote on 09/02/2015 17:40:
2015-02-09 12:41 GMT+02:00 Rowan Collins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>:
Yes, I can see it working well for specialised uses - you can simply not use 
those aspects of the language that don't make sense. But for it to be a 
mainstream part of the language, it needs to play nicely with other parts of 
the language, and that's where I see it being a complex and painful change.

The fact that the lack of native application server for PHP is often
the reason for leaving the PHP developers to other languages and

Let's see what others have in 2015:

Python - WSGI
Ruby - Rack
Perl - PSGI
JavaScript - JSGI
Hack - HHVM

PHP - No native application server in core.

What discusses the PHP community?
Remove or not to remove the PHP4 constructors and many other issues
that do not add competitive ability PHP...

I personally do not blame you :), just expressing his opinion
developer who wants to use PHP and can use modern app server in core

The sentence you're replying to there is talking about existing implementations, on top of current PHP, with all the limitations that implies.

My view on the general idea of changing the language so that eventually an event-based model could be the norm, is in an earlier reply:

> Not that I don't like the idea, but it's a huge project, with potential for profoundly affecting the language.

Rowan Collins

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