Jordi Boggiano wrote on 11/02/2015 10:40:
On 09/02/2015 22:29, Anatol Belski wrote:

Sorry if this was suggested already but if those are not maintained much and should not be used further ideally, shouldn't we add E_DEPRECATED to them at least?

I understand that they are kept to avoid making the upgrade path harsher, but it's also not great to let they linger on forever with no notice to users that they are doing something wrong.

I guess that's a discussion that can be had on a case-by-case basis, now we've bulk-voted the easy cases out of the way.

Deprecation only really makes sense if there is a clear upgrade path for users, or a specific message to give them. For instance, I'm currently using PDO_DBLIB, and had no idea I was "doing something wrong", or what I should be doing instead. And many people have already pointed out that ext/mcrypt needs some special thought, so just slapping a deprecation notice somewhere isn't really that useful.

Rowan Collins

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