Le 05/02/2015 21:14, Andrea Faulds a écrit :
Good evening,

At long last, I’m going to put the RFC to a vote. It’s been long enough - I 
don’t think there needs to be, or will be, much further discussion.

I’d like to make sure that everyone voting understands the RFC fully. Please 
read the RFC in full: the details are important. And if  anyone has any 
questions or uncertainties, please ask them before voting. I am very happy to 
answer them.

I would urge everyone who wants type hints to vote for this RFC. It is not a 
perfect solution, but there can be no perfect solution to this issue. However, 
I think it is better than most of the alternatives suggested thus far - see the 
rationale section, and previous discussions. Crucially, this RFC would keep PHP 
a weakly-typed language, and not force either strict typing, nor weak typing, 
on anyone who does not want it. It would allow the addition of type hints to 
existing codebases. It would not create a situation where userland functions 
are strict yet internal functions are not, because the strict mode affects 
both. I’ve tested the implementation myself on my own code, and it worked well, 
providing benefits other proposals would not have given (see my previous post 
about my experiences).

Voting starts today (2015-02-05) and ends in two weeks’ time (2015-02-19). In 
addition to the vote on the main RFC, there is also a vote on the type aliases 
issue, and a vote to reserve the type names for future RFCs’ sake if this RFC 

The RFC can be found here, and it contains a voting widget: 

Thank you for your time.

Andrea Faulds


I vote for the scalar type hints in PHP7, with the synonyms throwing error messages (and reserve the names if the RFC does not pass)

Grégory Planchat

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