On 02/22/2015 06:28 PM, François Laupretre wrote:
Hi Stas,

It seems the actual problem is that we have too many compiler / code analysis 
experts in the community ;)

(don't get me wrong, I am not saying that for you, I just admire your patience 
explaining the same again and again to people who never read one line from PHP 
core source).

Well I never have worked on a JIT/AOT and I have to admit I haven't done any contributions to the PHP engine (and it seems I do not have any rights to write some couple of messages expressing concerns/views because of that).

On the other side I took the wxwidgets extension in an effort to revive it (because I believe PHP can have other use cases). Improved its code generator (and other stuff that involved a relation with the PHP source code) which now generates more than 905941 lines of code that constitute the extension (github.com/wxphp/wxphp/tree/master/src).

So I have indeed read source from PHP core. In any case, sorry if I have annoyed some, that never was my intention, we as humans can't posses all the knowledge of the world, so thats why we always learn from somebody else, whats the purpose of a community without participation :)


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