On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:25 PM, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:
> There’s a fundamental difference between the two RFCs that goes beyond
> whether using a global INI setting and the other per-file setting.  The
> fundamental difference is that the endgame of the Dual Mode RFC is having
> two modes – and whatever syntax we’ll add, will be with us forever;  and in
> the Coercive STH RFC – the endgame is a single mode with no INI entries,
> and opening the door to changing the rest of PHP to be consistent with the
> same rule-set as well (implicit casts).   The challenge with the Coercive
> STH RFC is figuring out the best transition strategy, but the endgame is
> superior IMHO.


the two modes was something that I didn't like, at all, as a userland
developer. It seems really scary that decision to add 2 modes would
mean that every PHP code could have been written in any of these 2
ways and it would stick forever with PHP, because removing it again if
it proved to be a bad feature would be IMHO really painful.

So a single mode is infinitely better than 2 modes.

Also, personally, I would prefer #1 or #2 version for internal
functions, but definitely without an INI switch. Not being able to
change it on some hostings could make development for the transition
period kinda painful.

Pavel Kouril

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