Hi Dmitry and Nikita,

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@ohgaki.net> wrote:

> I wrote patch and made adjustment in the RFC
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/script_only_include
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1111
> Where to check filename extension is subject to be changed.
> At first, I thought implementing this as PHP code is good, but
> I've changed my mind. It seems better to be done in Zend code.
> Opinions are appreciated.
> This RFC aims to make PHP as secure as other languages
> with respect to "script inclusion" attacks.
> Note: File inclusion is not a scope of this RFC.
> INI Changes:
>  - "php_script" -> "zend.script_extensions"
>  - "Allow all files": "*" -> NULL or ""
> Open Issues:
>  - Error type - Is it OK to raise E_ERROR/E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR in
>    zend_language_scanner.c?
>  - Vote type - 50%+1 or 2/3
> If there is anyone who would like to vote "no" for this RFC,
> I would like to know the reason and try to address/resolve issue you have.
> Thank you.

We don't have care much about which error is raised from Zend engine, since
will be engine exception.

My questions are, is it ok to raise E_ERROR or E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR from


Does engine exception catches error from zend_error_noreturn()?

Thank you.


Yasuo Ohgaki

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