> De : Stanislav Malyshev [mailto:smalys...@gmail.com]
> > The questions here are:
> > * will this code break any code running with PHP before that patch?
> > * does this code change the language in any way?
> OK, so I think there's a misunderstanding here. What you describing is
> exactly my position - enhancements that are a) small and b)
> self-contained are OK, others are not OK. This has been the case since
> we started the whole format release process thing.

It seems to me we are mixing two questions : can 'small self-contained' changes 
be introduced in a patch release, and how 'small' and 'self-contained' a change 
must be not to require an RFC ? It seems implicit that, once an RFC is written, 
it is not a 'small self-contained' change anymore.

One example : https://wiki.php.net/rfc/cyclic-replace can probably be 
considered as a 'small self-contained' addition. Should I continue with the 
RFC, respecting feature freeze and proposing it for 7.1, or should I just ask 
the PR to be merged in 7.0 ? If it is accepted by a vote, can it still go to 
7.0 ? It is really not clear to me.



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