On Apr 3, 2015 11:55 AM, "Stanislav Malyshev" <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> > +1 This is exactly it. The longer older versions are "supported" the
> > longer they remain in the wild.
> 5.3 is unsupported and still has over 40%. 5.2 is dead for 4 years by
> now and still beats 5.5 by factor of more than 2. So I don't think just
> unsupporting something will make a big difference there.

We see progresses with linux distributions, thanks our release process RFC.
Yes significant changes have to be seen once users migrate to these
versions. Ignoring this fact is dangerous, especially if it used to take
decisions about adding features to patch releases (arguments why already

> --
> Stas Malyshev
> smalys...@gmail.com
> --
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