On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net>

> On Wed, April 29, 2015 15:35, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, April 5, 2015 09:05, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> >>
> >>> bumping the thread as we should start the release steps (branching
> >>> out 7.0,
> >>> tagging the first alpha or more likely beta) if we wanna keep up with
> >>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php7timeline
> >>>
> >>>
> >> after the recent discussion on IRC I would like to express the rediness
> >> to take on this job. As Kalle is willing to take this role as well, it'd
> >>  probably make sense to hear what everyone thinks about my proposition.
> >>  Possibly it could come to an election then.
> >>
> >>
> >> I guess this thread conjuncts with the "PHP7 RM" one started last year
> >> by Kalle.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >>
> >> Anatol
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Thanks for volunteering, albeit I wish you could have spoken a bit
> > sooner, so we avoid the awkward situation. I just wanted to repeat that I
> > previously noted that based on my personal experience with 5.6, I think
> > that having two full time RMs for a major version would be much better.
> Now
> > that we have two volunteers maybe we could also consider having both of
> > you guys and ofc. I can help with my experience on the RMing and the
> > process.
> >
> Yeah, actually I didn't think about RMing before. Thus my self-nomination
> is based on the discussion arguments that my participation could be
> convenient. Hence so late. With respect to your and others experience,
> that's why I'm asking.
> The suggestion for Kalle and me both doing the job - wouldn't we all three
> then jump over each others heads? Or one could part the tasks so we do it
> more or less independently (there are sure enough tasks)? Asking as I
> curretly have a minimal sights of the process, so not quite clear how it
> would go.

Na :-)

I'm glad you both volunteer for RMing.

Usually, only one guy does all the job, it is better and prevents one
jumping onto the other guy's head.

But, Sometimes one may be so busy - or have personnal issues - that then it
is the second RM that comes over scene and does the job.
That's why we are two usually, one "master RM" that does the job, and one
"secondary RM" that comes to scene when "master RM" has some problems, or
if "master RM" wonders if it is good to do this or that (then RMs discuss
each other and take decision).

But obviously, you two can change that process.
You can work together at the same time, splitting tasks to do, the only
thing is you have to be able to work together smoothly , but as we all are
OSS contributors, I guess we all are able to handle that.

Also, keep in mind that the release process is REALLY heavy before the GA ,
and not that heavy once the GA is launched.
Preparing Alphas, betas, RCs, NEWS file, UPGRADING, checking for the doc to
be synced .... are hard jobs that take place before the GA, and can take a
lot of time.
In such period (that is : before the GA), it is usually really better to
have two brains and two pairs of hands to do the job.

After the GA, don't worry too much, only security issues or BC breaks are
to be followed and taken care of, all the other tasks are easy to perform.

Also, keep in mind that previous RMs, such as Ferenc or myself , can help
you in doing such tasks, feel free to ask, ping, mail, etc... ;-)


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