On 06/12/2015 04:13 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
You can get even more speed by compiling with --enable-opcache-file and
then in your php-cli.ini add:


Then every time you run composer it won't have to recompile everything.


Thats a pretty neat feature, but I was thinking why not make something similar to what python did, where .pyc files where generated on the same path of .py files with the opcodes. So maybe a new ini option can be introduced like opcache.file_local=On. When this option is turned on the opcache would check if myscript.phpc exists before compiling myscript.php, if the .phpc file doesn't exists then it generates the opcodes .phpc version. If no write permissions are available for current directory then php would just skip the .phpc generation.

One advantage of this is that if PHP is run on cgi mode (not fast-cgi/fpm) you could still get the advantages of opcode caching on a multiple virtual host environment. It would also be easier to setup.

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