On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Sebastian Bergmann <sebast...@php.net>

> Am 11.07.2015 um 19:53 schrieb S.A.N:
> > It will be useful for autocomplete in IDE
>  That argument is bogus since proper IDEs (PhpStorm, fex.) leverage
>  docblock annotations for that already.
> Agreed. I don't know any IDE meant for PHP that doesn't respect docblock

I think the benefit comes more in being able to make a property public, and
still have control over its type. Currently the only way to do it is to
have your property be private and use public get/set method(s) instead. IE:
class foo {
   public int $bar;

-- vs. --

class foo {
   private $bar = 0;
   public function getBar() : int {
      return $this->bar;
   public function setBar(int $val) {
      $this->bar = $val;

Granted its still far less verbose for scalar types than in the current 5.x
world where you have to have your own type checks as well.

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