2015-08-02 14:32 GMT+02:00 Markus Malkusch <mar...@malkusch.de>:

> Dor Tchizik wrote:
> > Currently, PHP discussions are held on the various mailing lists, managed
> > by an old mailing list system, without any proper alternative interface
> to
> > follow and respond outside of mailing.
> What wrong with <news://news.php.net/>?

That's a joke, right?

> > I propose that internals discussion to be moved (eventually entirely) to
> a
> > different medium, where the example I have in mind is GitHub issues
> That's an issue tracker (and to be honest not one of the best). I don't see
> any benefit there.

We're discussing issues here, so what's wrong with an issue tracker?
I can see more than one benefit. Probably most important is that you can
follow just some things, instead of getting all the mails. Additionally, you
can ping people, that's not possible here, most mails are just "reply all"

> Furthermore participating requires a github.com
> registration whereas this medium is free to use.

GitHub is free as well.

> And you know what happend
> to the last big player (namely sourceforge)? Github can go loko as well.
> >    - GitHub issues can reference other issues (currently impossible with
> >    the mailing list
> Let's reference something then <news:e6.64.22108.e69f7...@pb1.pair.com>

That's a mailto link for me as well.

> >    - GitHub issues are searchable. You have tags.
> Newsserver are searchable as well. At least you could wrap the current
> infrastructure easily into a search engine.

If you want to build and provide a good search engine around it with a nice
that's another possible solution, but it's something that needs to be built
and maintained.

Regards, Niklas

Markus Malkusch
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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