On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 3:41 AM, Bishop Bettini <bis...@php.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Côme Chilliet <c...@opensides.be> wrote:
> > I got mail from someone saying that in previous version, calling
> > ldap_connect($host, NULL) would use default port.
> > While now it is considered as trying to use port 0 and trigger an error.
> >
> I believe the current behavior (interpret as zero and trigger error) is
> correct.

we have precedence for both behavior.

> > I’m a bit troubled about it because the documentation says:
> >  resource ldap_connect ([ string $hostname = NULL [, int $port = 389 ]] )
> > So $port defaults to 389 and not to NULL, and it says nothing about
> > accepting NULL as second parameter.
> >
> Let's compare to another PHP function that takes a numeric optional
> parameter with a non-zero default:
> array array_unique ( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_STRING ] )
> Note that SORT_STRING === 2, SORT_REGULAR === 0.
> If you pass null for the second argument, you get the SORT_REGULAR
> behavior, not the default SORT_STRING behavior:
> print_r(array_unique([ 1, '1', '1a' ], null));

on the other hand functions like ftp_connect assumes the default port when
passed NULL:

[tyrael@Ferencs-MBP]$ php -r '$c=ftp_connect("ftp.de.debian.org",
NULL);ftp_login($c, "anonymous", "");print_r(ftp_nlist($c, "-la ."));'
    [0] => debian-security
    [1] => backports.org
    [2] => debian-archive
    [3] => .
    [4] => HEADER.html
    [5] => .welcome.msg
    [6] => debian-backports
    [7] => debian-ports
    [8] => debian-cd
    [9] => debian
    [10] => ..
    [11] => pub

> That said, it does seem handful to be able to pass NULL to ask for default
> > port without remembering which one it is.
> > The context is something like:
> > $port = NULL;
> > if (isset($options['port'])) {
> >         $port = $options['port'];
> > }
> > $resource = ldap_connect($host, $port);
> >
> A few reasons I'd offer as arguments against this.  $port is deprecated, so
> why add features to deprecated arguments?  Other PHP internal functions
> don't behave this way (array_unique, socket_create_listen, ssh2_connect,
> etc.), so why go against the grain?  Why not document (in a comment) the
> preferred way of doing this, which might be:
> if (isset($options['port']))
>     $resource = ldap_connect($host, $options['port']);
> else
>     $resource = ldap_connect($host);

I'm fine with changing this for future versions but my understanding is
that this BC break (along with some others) was introduced in a micro
release (5.6.11 afair), so at least for 5.6 I would prefer restoring the
old behavior and for 7.0 I'm fine with the change but please document it in
NEWS and UPGRADING so we can incorporate it in the docs.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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