On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 1:43 AM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Basically: token_get_all() is rather slow. I think it says something that
> getting the tokens of a script is about as slow as lexing it, parsing it
> into an internal AST and constructing an object-based userland AST for it.
> If you use token_get_all() in a matter that only requires one lookahead
> token at a time, you don't really care about how nice the token format is,
> you're only interested in it being efficient. I was hoping that we can
> optimize it by dropping the line numbers (which is the most volatile part of
> the structure) and try to reuse the same array for tokens which have the
> same ID and content (but likely different lineno). It's very likely that a
> script contains the T_WHITESPACE( ) token more than one and similarly labels
> and variables tend to repeat, etc. No idea if that would actually work/help,
> just an idea.
Ah, I see what you mean.  That'll take some thinking, and is well
outside the scope of this RFC, but I'll give it some thought and maybe
you or I or someone can gist something up later maybe...


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