Le 13/01/2016 19:48, Thomas Punt a écrit :
Voting has opened for the inclusion of a digit separator in PHP[1]. Voting ends 
one week's time on January 20th.


At AFUP, we would be on the -1 side (by a huge margin).

The "good" thing would be code that's a bit more readable, yes.

But it would be harder to search in code, as there would be more than one way to write a number. Basically, it would break grep/find.

Splitting numbers so they are more readable is kind of a presentation matter and, as such, could be done by an editor/IDE when displaying code, without having to modify the code by hand (actually, I'm quite surprised it's not a feature I remember seeing in any IDE).

In any case, thanks for you work on this!

Pascal MARTIN, AFUP - French UG

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