On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Mathieu Rochette <math...@texthtml.net> wrote:
> about the upper bounds, have you consider another way of describing the
> constraints, eg:
> class Box<T> where T is Boxable
> this would allow multiple constraints, eg:
> class Collection<T> where T is Traversable, T is Countable
IMO, this sort of problem should be solved by combining this feature
with union types, so you could have something like:

class Collection<T as (Traversable | Countable)> {...

And merely inherit the logic rules from that feature rather than
inventing yet another one.

> can generic types be nested ?
> class Stuff<A, B is Something<A, string>>
I can't imagine why not...

For my part, I love the concept overall.  Generics are an important
part of moving PHP towards comprehensive type-safety.  But then, you
know how I feel about Hack. :)


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