Sure, the usage of "instanceof" is an alternative to prevent declaring a
new keyword. PHP doesn't have the same problem as Java does to enforce the
first generic type information to be a class and others interfaces. So in

class A {}
interface B {}
interface C {}

class Foo<T instanceof A & B & C> {}

Java required A to be the first due to its compilation process, which PHP
does not have. PHP would accept any order of A, B and C there, like "C & B

PS: I like to use Java as a base for Generics because I feel it more well
thought than other language implementations (like .NET and Swift).


On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Rowan Collins <>

> wrote on 20/04/2016 03:54:
>> 1- Even though mentioned, I'd still use "extends" or "implements" instead
>> of "is" (which would be a new pseudo-reserved keyword) to enforce data
>> type
>> consistency and prevent developers to potentially referring to one thing
>> while consider another.
> Perhaps "instanceof" would make more sense here? "class FileProcessor<T
> extends FileHandle>" seems to exclude instantiating
> FileProcessor<FileHandle>, because "FileHandle extends FileHandle" doesn't
> make any sense.
> You could read "class Box<T instanceof Boxable>" as an assertion that the
> class passes the constraint, as in "public function __construct(T $t) {
> assert($t instanceof Boxable); }"
> Regards,
> --
> Rowan Collins
> [IMSoP]
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Guilherme Blanco
Lead Architect at E-Block

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