On 04/22/2016 02:46 PM, Thomas Punt wrote:
Hi Dmitry!


I would like to present an RFC proposing support for native annotation.

The naming, syntax and behavior are mostly influenced by HHVM Hack, but not 
exactly the same.

The most interesting difference is an ability to use arbitrary PHP expressions 
as attribute values.

These expressions are not evaluated, but stored as Abstract Syntax Trees, and later may 
be accessed (node by node) in PHP extensions, preprocessors and PHP scripts their selves. 
I think this ability may be useful for "Design By Contract", other formal 
verification systems, Aspect Oriented Programming, etc


Note that this approach is going to be native, in contrast to doc-comment 
approach that uses not well defined syntax, and even not parsed by PHP itself.

Additional ideas, endorsement and criticism are welcome.
Just a couple of comments on this:

1. I'd definitely reuse the php-ast extension for parsing the code into an
AST. It performs a number of transformations on PHP's underlying AST
that make it much nicer to use (namely better consistency). It is also
less fragile by having the abstraction between PHP's internal AST and
the AST that is exposed to userland (enabling for internal AST changes
without impacting the AST exposed to userland).
I'm not sure. Both approaches make sense.

2. You mentioned about moving some of the php-ast extension into core.
I wonder if it would be better to just move the whole extension into the
core first, and then enable this functionality if the php-ast extension is
Even if we move php-ast into core (I think we will do it), it's going to be optional.
However attributes should always work.

Also, slightly tangential, but the RFC says attributes are supported on
class constants, yet doc comments (IIRC) are not. I wonder if support
for doc comments should be added for class constants?

it is already implemented.

Thanks. Dmitry.


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