On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:21 AM, Dominic Grostate
<codekest...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> As I understand it, the process by which the call stack is updated and
> scope changed, is quite expensive.  And from tests I can see that function
> calls do actually add a not insignificant overhead to intensive repetitive
> tasks.
> So how difficult would it be to get the engine to determine if an inline is
> feasible, then skip the fcall init, and dump the a functions opcode emits
> directly into the current scope?
I'm actually working on a proof-of-concept of that already.  I've
already got basic proxy methods getting inlined, and am working up
through expression methods and trying to resolve scoping with $this
and non-publics.

I'll publish a branch on github when I have something interesting to share.


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