
to me recursion and pipe operator looks really hard to read, I guess this is 
faster and better readable:

foreach (scandir($arg) as $x) {
  if ($x == '.' || $x == '..') {
  $x = $arg . '/' . $x;
  // inline getFileArg ...
  $allFiles[] = $x;


Bob Weinand wrote on 30.04.2016 01:37:

> Hey,
>> Am 29.04.2016 um 21:58 schrieb Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net>:
>> This is one of my favorites out of HackLang.  It's pure syntactic
>> sugar, but it goes a long way towards improving readability.
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pipe-operator
> Thanks for proposing, so that I am able to show what I don't like about the |>
> pipe operator:
> In general, the pipe operator is hiding anti-patterns. It makes anti-patterns
> look nicer.
> Take the first example:
> $ret = 
>  array_merge(
>    $ret,
>    getFileArg(
>      array_map(
>        function ($x) use ($arg) { return $arg . '/' . $x; },
>        array_filter(
>          scandir($arg),
>          function ($x) { return $x !== '.' && $x !== '..'); }
>        )
>      )
>    )
>  );
> Sure, it *looks* nicer with the pipe operator, if you really want to nest it.
> But that nesting is horrible in itself. It should be written as:
> $files = array_filter(scandir($arg), function ($x) { $x != '.' && $x != '..';
> });
> $fullPath = array_map(function($x) use ($arg) { return "$arg/$x"; }, $files);
> $allFiles = array_merge($allFiles, getFileArg($fullPath));
> By limiting the nesting level to 2, the code gets itself much more readable 
> and
> in addition, the variable names are self-explaining, so that you can jump 
> right
> in.
> As already mentioned, the |> variant looks nicer than the above, but it still
> lacks the most important part; documentation in form of obvious variable names
> after each small step.
> It's always nice when code can look nicely, but this doesn't encourage writing
> understandable code. This RFC is just providing another way to shoot any 
> future
> readers into the feet.
> Readers want to quickly grasp what is going on. Having to follow a whole list
> of operations whose result is written to a variable $ret is telling them
> absolutely nothing.
> TL;DR:
> -1: The |> pipe operator encourages a write-only style.
> Bob 
> --
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