On 25 May 2016 at 21:13, Niklas Keller <m...@kelunik.com> wrote:

> Unset can reset it to the default value, but wiping type information is
> probably
> not an option here.

Wiping type info is indeed unwanted. As it currently stands, for example,
un-setting a property and then re-assigning it retains its visibility
properties, and doesn't destroy property information.

See https://3v4l.org/pCmTV for an example (copied here for reference):


class Foo
    private $bar = 'baz';

    public function __construct()

    public function getFooBar()
        return $this->bar;

class Bar extends Foo
    private $bar = 'baz';

    public function __construct()


    public function getBarBar()
        return $this->bar;

$bar = new Bar();

var_dump($bar->getFooBar()); // notice + null
var_dump($bar->getBarBar()); // notice + null

$rBarBar = new ReflectionProperty(Foo::class, 'bar');
$rBarBar->setValue($bar, __LINE__);

var_dump($bar->getFooBar()); // line no.
var_dump($bar->getBarBar()); // notice + null

Marco Pivetta



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