The syntax is weird as heck.

That said, frameworks without templating engine already have escaping
helpers, for example:
<?= $this->escapeHtml($value); ?>
<?= $this->escapeHtmlAttr($value); ?>
<?= $this->escapeJs($value); ?>
<?= $this->escapeCss($value); ?>

I don't see what is hard in using that syntax, plus it's not a global

Marco Pivetta

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Michael Vostrikov <> wrote:

> > Personally I don't know any developer who is using raw php in project
> without template engine
> Zend, Yii, various CMS like Wordperss, internal business-applications - in
> many cases such projects don't have a template engine.
> I usually work with Yii and internal applications on custom engines. This
> is the reason why I raised this question.
> By the way, the syntax is not weird. It is just <?* $var1, $var2 ?>. How to
> use $var2 is fully up to application.

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