On 19.11.2016 at 18:23, Rowan Collins wrote:

> On a broader note, I would like to restate my desire for some kind of
> road map or plan of roughly when 8.0 is expected, to inform decisions on
> things like this. Does "deprecate in 7.2" mean removal in 2 years time,
> or 5, or 10?
> Previously I've been answered with "the Big Feature of 8.0 will be JIT",
> but I am not a fan of tying the deprecation and feature policy to
> "whenever we happen to have a rewrite of the engine ready"; it muddles
> product branding with API versioning. If JIT isn't ready for 10 years,
> does that mean we have to wait 10 years to break BC? And if it's ready
> in 2018, does that mean everything deprecated in 7.2 has to be
> immediately dropped after just one year? Should we decouple the Zend
> Engine version from the language version, and use separate semantic
> versions for each?

IMHO, we should consider introducing a fixed schedule for major releases
(say, every 4 years).

Christoph M. Becker

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