Hey Adam,

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Adam Baratz <adam.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> However, I see no reference about the expected input/output encoding
>> (Unicode data is a bit vague). Is it expected to be UFT-8? Or maybe
>> match the internal encoding of the driver (e.g. UTF-16?)? What happens
>> if I try to quote a latin1 string?
> I think this is mostly covered by my BC note: "These constants wouldn't
> affect anything related to the character set used for connections." My only
> intentions with my proposed change is to let people prepend an "N" to some
> quoted values. The pdo_mysql and pdo_dblib quote functions are otherwise
> ignorant of encoding. It's all bytes to them. There are different hooks to
> set the encoding for a connection. I'm not aware of issues with either
> extension dealing with multibyte characters in output.
> If that doesn't make sense, pass on a code snippet and I can think through
> how it would work.
> Since I am still skeptical about this, I asked around and told people to
>> bind parameters with unicode strings and poke me back: works correctly.
>> So what is this addition doing exactly? Shouldn't this be treated as an
>> SQL Server *BUG* instead? Why push it on the toolchain?
> It is true that you get the correct result right now. But this happens
> because the DB will automatically cast values that are quoted incorrectly.
> This addition would ensures that quoted values don't have an implicit cast
> applied, which makes queries more expensive. I can put the links I shared
> earlier into the RFC for easier reference.
> Thanks,
> Adam

I've read the links, hence my skepticism and me labeling this as "yet
another way that SQL Server decides to make things harder and buggy". It is
a bug in SQL Server, unless I'm missing the reason for this to exist (or
maybe there was such a reason in 1991).

As for BC compliance, this will still break code, as current overrides to
prepared statements (in DBAL, specifically) directly compare the parameter
type to a constant (no bitmask comparison).

Marco Pivetta



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