On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Rasmus Schultz <ras...@mindplay.dk> wrote:
> Well, this is the opposite of what I'm asking for, and does not address the
> case where paths have been persisted in a file or database and the data
> gets accessed from different OS.
> I understand the reasons given for not changing this behavior in PHP
> itself, so maybe we could have a standard function that normalizes paths to
> forward slashes? e.g. basically:
> /**
>  * Normalize a filesystem path.
>  *
>  * On windows systems, replaces backslashes with forward slashes
>  * and ensures drive-letter in upper-case.
>  *
>  * @param string $path
>  *
>  * @return string normalized path
>  */
> function normalize_path( $path ) {
>     $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
>     return $path{1} === ':'
>         ? ucfirst($path)
>         : $path;
> }

Also ucfirst is useless (or any case operations). realpath goes
further down by solving ugly things like  \\\\\\\ or ////// (code
concatenating paths without checking trailing /\.

> At least WordPress, Drupal and probably most major CMS and frameworks have
> this function or something equivalent. .

Now I remember why they have to do that.

realpath is not fully exposed in userland. virtual_file_ex should be
used and provide the option to validate path or not. Right now
realpath will fail if the path does not exist. I would suggest to
expose this functionality/option and that will solve the need to
implement such things in userland.

ps: I discussed that long time with Dmitry and forgot to implement it,
I take the blame for not having that in 7.x :)


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