On 3/31/2017 9:29 PM, Anatol Belski wrote:
> I can only link to this 😉
> http://git.php.net/?p=php-src.git;a=commitdiff;h=ec78507bd46a05f77dbde3fa4091ab4c91e61cad
>  the new implementation was consistent but had to be reverted in 7.1
> partially, because of BC, even the use is inappropriate. Well, still
> normalization on Windows means having '\\' in terms of the platform
> API used, but just as a show case. The dirname function itself is
> based on the PHP implementation, not a platform API. But also, it
> would produce same path with different separators on different
> platform, if normalized.

A good example that showcases that we actually could normalize to
slashes, don't you think. :)

Besides, I still believe that it is very wrong of PHP to treat URIs/URLs
the same as paths. A path can be a URI, but a URI should only be a path
if it has the `file://` scheme. The current approach just asks for
remote code inclusion, URL fopen anyone? Different story though.

On 3/31/2017 9:29 PM, Anatol Belski wrote:
> You're right, they both are documented. What is not defined is the
> cross platform handling. There are some documents, yes, like RFC
> 3986, or RFC 1738 and RFC 8089 which are still in the proposed state.
> However there is none I knew that would care about crossplatform
> nuances in full extent. Particularly an RFC defining all the possible
> behaviors of the file:// scheme is what were needed, I guess. Thus my
> conclusion is to take the path of less resistance, as what is not
> defined is not necessary good but also is not necessary broken. Yeah,
> it is complex, and particularly in PHP historically grown, and just
> touching the water surface might already produce some high waves.
> The functions mentioned - of course, it were up to an application to
> decide what to use it in a particular situation, but not forcibly
> changing the core handling. Like in the snippet above, you would have
> currently to do dirname(realpath($path)), but that is also not
> crossplatform and won't work on a nonexistent file. So another
> function instead of realpath, like dirname(normalize_path($path,
> UNIXIFY_SLASH)) were in use. The implementation might be tricky in
> some parts, but in general doable.
> Regards
> Anatol

Well, RFC 8089 has many examples in its appendix regarding Windows. It's
true that they say that it is non-standard, however, it is how Windows
deals with it since IE4.


Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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