On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:

> My how time flies!  Feature Freeze for PHP-7.2 is coming up in exactly
> THREE MONTHS on July 20th.  Get your RFCs discussed, voted on, and
> implemented unless you want to wait for PHP-7.3
> -Sara
> Ref: https://wiki.php.net/todo/php72#timetable

I've been wondering for some time why we have the beta + RC split, where
RCs are treated in essentially the same way as betas. In particular our
minor version RCs (as opposed to patch RCs) are *not* candidates for
release. Might it make sense to move RC1-5 to Beta 4-9 and keep only one
scheduled RC?

Similarly, does it really make sense to have a new pre-release every two
weeks? I know that "we've always done it this way", but I'm not sure I see
the motivation behind it (or who the target audience for a biweekly release


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