Hi Andrea,

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:
> Hey Andrey,
> Andrey Andreev wrote:
>> I'm not surprised by the suggestion for targeting 8.0, but perhaps we
>> could think of a way to conditionally disable the mangling in 7.x and
>> then remove it entirely in 8?
>> I hate to say INI directives, but that's surely one way for a smoother
>> transition.
> Another approach I'd previously thought of was to keep in memory whatever
> information would be needed to undo the mangling process for the
> superglobals, and provide a function which would undo it. Then in 8.x it
> could become a no-op.

Sounds hacky to me. Plus, a function call means we can't have
environments that do it by default pre-8.0, and that in turn means a
harder migration.
But hey, as long as we get rid of the mangling, I wouldn't really care
that much! :)


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