On 05/11/2017 04:08 AM, Anatol Belski wrote:
Hi Thomas,

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Hruska [mailto:thru...@cubiclesoft.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 5:33 PM
To: PHP Development <internals@lists.php.net>
Subject: [PHP-DEV] TLS v1.2 -only- deployments

Over the past two weeks, I've observed quite a bit of PHP 7+ userland code
breaking due to remote hosts switching to a TLS 1.2 only policy.
For various specific reasons, I strongly suspect that PCI DSS 3.1 
or compliance audits against that spec have something to do with the changes
that I'm seeing:


In just the last two weeks, I've seen completely unrelated servers of various
vendors go offline for an upgrade.  When they come back up a short bit later,
they are suddenly configured for TLS 1.2 only.  Running a Qualys SSL labs test
confirms the changes.  It's a rather specific change to encounter in such a 
period of time.

PHP userland code (e.g. stream_socket_client()) is unable to connect to such
hosts via "tls://" host strings.  The string has to be updated to use the 
specific string "tlsv1.2://" before the connecting code starts working again.

What were interesting is to know some exact servers you mention to verify, if 
it were possible to call them by name. In general, probably having some 
reliable stats on the matter were not bad. Particularly with the reason you 
suspect - so if the changes are driven by the payment branch, they probably 
should be respected by both apps and servers. If some server providers do 
changes suddenly, thus breaching customer apps, we need to evaluate the extent 
of the breach. Fe stats linked by the Qualys labs itself tell there are still 
over 90% of of about 140 000 servers supporting TLS 1.0. OFC. Though, there are 
some billions of servers around the globe, so not sure how the stats are 
representative. I think in any case, especially if apps are branch specific, 
explicit TSL 1.2 is probably the best way, like anything explicit in security.



I won't list them here because they are not the kind of sites appropriate for a list, but I am doing this with servers I admin.

My current policy is that with every cert that expires (I generate new keys/certs yearly), when I bring the new cert into service, it is TLS 1.2 only. And with an extremely limited list of allowed ciphers.

TLS 1.0 is old and at this point, the only browsers that do not support TLS 1.2 with the limited ciphers I allow are browsers that are no longer even getting security updates from their vendors.

As such there is no point in continued support of them, and supporting deprecated clients is dangerous.

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