On 15.08.2017 at 12:52, Rasmus Schultz wrote:

> The following GD issue is all-too common:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5773032/how-to-stop-gd2-from-washing-away-the-colors-upon-resizing-images
> Basically anyone who's ever accepted uploaded images and resized or
> converted them, has bumped into this.
> Only Imagick makes it possible to work around this issue, it's not possible
> with GD, at all - and the internal behavior of GD is arguably "wrong", as
> the visible output of simply opening and saving a JPEG image with GD is
> mangled with washed-out colors.

Indeed, GD completely ignores and forgets color profile information when
loading an image, and thus doesn't write it back on saving.  See

However, as workaround it would be possible to read the color profile by
other means and to re-apply it after the image has been saved.

For simple JPEG to JPEG resizing lossless JPEG transformations would be
even more suitable (see <https://github.com/libgd/libgd/issues/343>) – I
don't know whether this is already supported by Imagick or Gmagick.

> I am starting to wonder why GD is the default in PHP?
> It's a pretty outdated library with a clunky API - we have Imagick with a
> much more concise API and a ton more useful features.
> Why is the less-capable image library the default on the PHP platform? Why
> not Imagick?

This is most likely for historic reasons.  In the years libgd was
basically unmaintained, PHP developed the bundled libgd further, and
most of that was later back-ported to libgd.  Furthermore most current
maintainers of libgd are also guys with a php.net account – so there's
some bond.

Christoph M. Becker

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