On Tue, 2018-06-05 at 15:36 +0200, Christoph M. Becker wrote:
> Hi!
> Due to some pending preliminary work, I won't be able to release
> 7.3.0alpha1 on Thursday.  Unless Stas is willing to tackle the first
> alpha, I suggest to postpone the tentative timetable[1] by a week.  I
> don't think that would be a problem, since 7.0 - 7.2 had their first
> alphas released on the second Thursday of June as well.
By the pending work, do you mean the yet missing karma, etc. you
mentioned in another thread? If so - actually you still could tag,
write site news, etc. - so most of the things. With the items where
there is no karma yet like uploading to downloads.php.net or mailing a
moderated list could be helped.



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